
If you have a loved one who receives in-house caregiving like the services offered by Caring Family Health, you know that different medical necessities always come up. One is in-home physical therapy for seniors. What are the pros and cons of outpatient and home physical therapy in Philadelphia?

A big tipping point for in-home care is convenience and comfort. Getting someone up and out of the house for physical therapy can be challenging. They complain about the drive, about all the people, and feel exposed. 

Certainly, outpatient care has more tools and a variety of medical personnel at the ready, but it doesn’t answer the need for more personalized, one-on-one care. So, your option is to look into physical therapy in Philadelphia, PA, that comes to you. But it’s not a service all agencies offer. 

Who will come to your home? How do you find an exemplary in-home physical therapy service? Both are excellent questions and ones for which your physician may have solid answers. The Dr. may provide you with referrals, and you’ll need that anyway for insurance (hey, multitasking!). We at Caring Family Health receive many new clients directly from referrals from the medical staff or family and friends. 

One significant advantage to using an agency like ours for in-home physical therapy is that we already have physical therapists on staff. These people have already undergone background checks and training regarding the high level of care we expect. Better still, the Caring Family staff can help you with insurance questions and schedule your service based on availability. It’s reassuring to have consistency. With outpatient services, there are limited slots for appointments.

What is In-Home Physical Therapy?

The first visit to your home will center on evaluation. They will have information from your physician, but to best treat a client, seeing is essential. You can anticipate that the therapist with check the individual’s pain level, strength, balance, mobility, and any other symptoms to help them do their work.

Step two is a care plan. Based on what they learned in the evaluation, they begin creating a routine focused on needs, personal goals, and maintaining safety. You and your family can be (and should be) a part of this process, as you may be able to get involved with in-between visit exercises.

Conflict Resolution

Sometimes personalities clash. If you have a problem with the therapist, call the agency and explain your concerns and issues in detail. In reality, a person who likes their physical therapist is more likely to follow the prescribed treatment. You are the boss here. You have every right to ask for another therapist, basing the choice on what the agency now knows. Being proactive ensures you’ll find just the proper assistance for the individual.

The Best Physical Therapy Services, Philadelphia PA

At Caring Family Health, we take pride in providing professional assistance tailored to your situation. No matter how you slice it, home caregiving can’t be “cut and paste.” Our employees are respectful, and they’re wholly invested in positive results.

We have an online form available for you if you have questions. You can email us at coordinator@caringfamilyhealth.com, too. Our Philadelphia offices include Allentown, PA, and Feasterville, PA, both of which can be reached by calling 844-818-0039.